Laser Treatments

We use the PerioLase MVP-7, a free-running variable pulsed ND: YAG.

We can use this laser for different functions. Treatment of Chronic Periodontal Disease (gum disease) that needs to be treated surgically. This technique is known as LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure). With this procedure, we have been able to save teeth by promoting the formation of new bone and new attachment of the tooth to the jaw bone. Cases in which teeth were mobile and needed to be extracted are now attached with no longer need of dentures. This type of surgery avoids scalpels and sutures.

  • Photobiomodulation: There is a setting in which the light will promote the formation of ATP (energy) in the mitochondria of the cell, reducing inflammation and promoting collagen formation and healing. We use it after tooth extraction; patients have noticed a big difference in reducing postoperative pain.

  • Perio Laser Disinfection: in those cases where there is no advanced periodontal disease but gums are not healing with just regular cleanings, we don’t want the disease to advance more. This, in conjunction with Ozone water irrigation, has given us great results.

To learn more about our laser treatment services, contact Upland Lighthouse Dentistry today!